Fee Structure

  • Admission procedure takes place usually at the beginning of the session ie. in the month of April.

  • A student, who has previously attended a recognized school, must produce a school leaving certificate from the institution last attended at the time of admission, failing which he cannot be admitted.

  • Payment Options:
    i. School fee can be paid by using ‘e-care portal’. Parents can also access school website for making payments through this portal.
    ii. There is facility of ‘POS’ terminal through which parents can also pay the fee at the school counter by using ATM card / Debit card.
    iii. School fee can be paid through Cheque / Draft in favour of "RAMESHWAR LAL KHANDELWAL VIDYA MANDIR"

  • Tuition fee & Bus fee are payable bi – monthly (once in 2 months) starting from April and it is to be paid for 12 months.

  • All dues should be cleared before the commencement of each examination or else child will not be allowed to sit for the examination.

  • Students appearing for Examination i.e. should clear their dues positively by January. No cheque will be accepted after the “No Dues” date.

  • If a student wants to discontinue the bus service he/she must inform the office one month in advance and submit the bus pass in the office. No student will be allowed to discontinue the (bus) service from October onwards.

  • Caution money is refundable in full only in the event of leaving the school and after adjustment of all dues. It should be claimed within six months from the date of issue of T.C. otherwise the claim for same will not be entertained.

  • The rules related to payment of school fee must be taken into serious consideration by the parents:
    A. As the school has a system of fee payment bi-monthly, it is expected that the parents respect the timing. Following are the details of fine in case of 'delay in Fee Payment’:
    i. In the first month* till the date 25th - No fine (*in which the fee is to be paid)
    ii. In first month from 26th to the end of the month - Rs 30/-
    iii. In second month - Rs 100/-
    iv. In third month - Rs 300/-
    v. In case of non – payment of fee till the third month, the student will be considered as fee defaulter and his name will be struck off the roll. Readmission will be given on payment of a penalty of Rs 2000/-
    B. Any cheque returned by the bank will be treated under the category of non-payment of fee. Fine to be paid for ‘Dishonored Cheque’:
    i. Rs 1000/- per cheque for ‘Fund Insufficient’.
    ii. Rs 500/- per cheque for ‘Technical reasons’ such as overwriting, difference in figures or signature, etc.

  • ach Student will be charged Rs. 100 for school Identity Card.